Category Archives: Tax Debt

The 5 Biggest Differences Between Tax Preparers And Tax Attorneys


There’s an accounting joke (yes, they exist) that goes like this:

Q: What is a CPA?

A: It’s someone who solves a problem you didn’t know you had in a way you don’t understand.

Even if that joke doesn’t make you laugh, it does contain an interesting bit about the necessity of a tax professional.  The IRS certainly isn’t your friend, but it also isn’t your enemy. It is an organization operating on a mind-numbing system of complexities, the kind most people just aren’t cut out to navigate. The truth is, if you have a business of any size, you need professional help with your taxes. This comes in the form of tax preparers, enrolled agents, CPAs and tax attorneys.

If you’re as confused by the line-up as me, here’s a little clarity on the biggest differences between the bottom and top of the totem pole.


1.     Education:

Tax preparers are trained in the general structure of tax returns. The majority of preparers are educated by whatever franchise they work at (H&R Block, Jackson Hewitt, Liberty Tax Service). Independent preparers may attend tax preparer courses, but no formal training is needed to start a practice.

Tax attorneys must obtain a specialized law degree.  Beyond the basic degree, many tax attorneys obtain a Master of Laws degree in taxation as well as a mandatory Juris Doctor degree. In addition to this rigorous education, specialized courses are required covering advanced topics in business taxation. Many tax attorneys also have experience as certified public accountants.

 2.     Certification:

Anyone can become a tax preparer. On Jan. 18, 2013, the District Court put a stop to IRS requirements for registered tax return preparers to complete competency testing or secure continuing education. In fact, all it takes to offer the public service of tax preparation is the acquisition of a preparer tax identification number (PTIN), which costs all of $64.25.

Tax attorneys must pass the state bar.  After completing the years-long process of law school, tax attorneys must pass the bar exam of whichever state they wish to practice in.

3.     What they can do for you:

Tax preparers are capable of assisting you with basic, straightforward tax returns. If you have no special needs or complications involved in your taxes then a tax preparer is a good call. Whatever choice you make, be sure to ask about the full extent of your tax professional’s capabilities.

Tax attorneys can navigate your tax needs at every possible level. If you run a business and require assistance with complicated tax matters, or need year-round accounting, the seasoned tax attorney is your best bet.  They’ll keep you from getting in trouble with the IRS by guiding you through your finances before tax season and/or representing you in front of the U.S. Tax Court if that’s necessary.

4.     Who should hire them: 

Tax preparers are appropriate help for anyone with an ordinary tax structure.  The ideal client of a tax preparer is an individual with run-of-the-mill tax needs who forgoes the option to fill out taxes themselves. A small business without complicated tax structure can use them also, but it is advisable to seek a more experienced professional. It’s worth noting that chain tax services like H&R Block, Jackson Hewitt, or Liberty Tax Service employ people with varying levels of experience, and it’s a good idea to ask if any CPAs are employed there. If the answer is yes, request to work with them.

Tax attorneys are the choice for anyone with intricate tax needs, or issues with the IRS. If you get audited by the IRS or owe an excessive amount of money ($10,000 or more) you should seek the help of a tax attorney. It’s a good to be proactive and hire a tax attorney for management of a more involved account where a traditional accountant will not suffice. This would include businesses with payroll, international business or estate planning. One option is to turn to a company like Burkett, Burkett and Burkett that staffs experienced CPAs and tax attorneys. These kinds of firms benefit from the shared experience of a group.

 5.     What they will cost:

Tax preparers charge in a number of different ways, but are generally affordable. From independent preparers to franchise services, methods of billing range from flat fees to hourly and scaled fees by level of complexity. The average 2012 price for H&R Block was $192 per return where Liberty Tax Service averaged $173.

Tax attorneys are costly.  We all know that hiring a lawyer is going to cost and a tax lawyer is no exception. You will more than likely be charged an hourly rate and can expect to see them ranging from a few hundred dollars to $1,000 or more per hour.  This is obviously what puts such an emphasis on hiring the right kind of professional. If you don’t require complicated tax services, you may be able to get by with a tax preparer or certified public accountant. However, don’t make the mistake of cutting corners in a situation where potential consequence so greatly outweighs the savings.

Apple Boss Defends Company’s Tax Strategy

Tim Cook, Apple COO, in january 2009, after Ma...

Tim Cook, Apple COO, in january 2009, after Macworld Expo keynote. Picture by Valery Marchive (LeMagIT) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It is somewhat of a growing trend to see the tax strategies of major multinational companies, as well as wealthy individuals, being brought into question.  Such has been the focus on this issue, that it even led to the French Actor, Gérard Depardieu, giving up his French citizenship and later being given the opportunity of becoming a Russian citizen by Vladimir Putin.  In recent weeks, the focus has fallen onto tech giants, Apple.

Now Apple isn’t just a supplier of the latest must-have accessories to design grads, freelance writers and regular Starbucks frequenters – they are also the most valuable company in the world.  Nobody has accused Apple of partaking in any illegal tax evasion activities, but rather the have been finger-pointed for taking advantage of flaws in the US tax system.

Immoral Tax Activities

The accusation against Apple is that they have avoided paying over US$13 Billion, over the past two years, by implementing a complex scheme, involving their Irish subsidiaries.  Although this amount of money would not have a huge impact on the US budget deficit, it is felt that, as the most valuable company in the world, it is important to make an example of Apple, in illustrating that even the world’s largest companies can’t avoid paying the full amount of taxes.

It is not only Apple who have been investigated in the world of computing either, but also both Hewlett Packard and Microsoft.

Fair’s Fair?

Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, has, however, stated that they do currently pay every single dollar of tax that they are accountable for and are indeed the United States’ largest corporate taxpayer.  He further went on to suggest that with current tax rates so high, they have no intention of bringing all of the money they make back to the US and said this was aligned to the responsibility they have towards shareholders in limiting tax expenditure.

Apple have been exploiting deviances in the tax laws of Ireland and the US, with regards to residency.  In the US, any company established there is deemed as being a tax resident, this is not, however, the case in Ireland.  Apple state that all they are doing is refusing to bring back profits made overseas to the US, in order to resist against the 35% tax charge – an approach they say is repeated in numerous multinational companies.

The Proposed Solution

The cries from the Republican side suggest that the tax rates on money made overseas should be relaxed, in order to encourage companies to bring those profits to the US.  They suggest that this too would convince companies to invest more in the US, rather than seeking more profitable pastures elsewhere.

There is also the suggestion that certain tax laws need to be reworded and loopholes removed, in order to avoid companies taking advantage of their flaws.  Fundamentally, Apple is currently facing only moral questioning, as opposed to legal accusations and, thus, until something is changed, there is nothing to suggest that they will be persuaded to shift their approach.

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Trevor Norris is a freelance writer and finance blogger. He recommends searching for the best accountants in Manchester to solve any financial worries.

What do you do when there is an invalid charged-off debt?

What do you do when there is an invalid charged-off debt?

It’s nothing new to hear or see a dispute between the tax payers and the IRS. Of course, there are quite a few reasons behind the disputes, but most commonly these disputes involve examination and/or collection issues and also the different interpretations of tax law. The IRS reporting a charged-off account on the credit report also proves to be a great hassle for more reasons than one. Now, if you happen to be one of those whose credit report shows charged-off tax accounts and that too having been reported by the IRS, then it’s definitely worth disputing. In fact, if you sit on it without taking heed, then this’ll definitely have a negative impact on your credit rating and that can be far worse than not having accrued debt, yet souring your credit.

What’s a charge-off debt actually?

Before you get into surmises about what exactly charged-off debt is all about, it’s important for you to understand the concept behind a charged-off debt in the first place. A charge-off debt actually happens to be that debt which has been determined uncollectible by the original creditor and that’s usually done after the debtor is seriously delinquent. Now, it’s only after 6 months that charge-offs are known to occur. Moreover, creditors still have the right to collect on the charge-offs because the debt still remains valid. Charge-offs are also known to appear on your credit report at least for 7 years since the debt appears.

Hence, it’s obvious that you’d like to validate your debts before coming to any conclusion about whether or not you should dispute the charge-offs. Debt validation is necessary like you do when going for the programs aimed to solve your financial problems. In this case too, debt validation programs serve the purpose of telling you for sure whether or not you can dispute the charged-off account with the IRS.

How’ll you dispute a charged-off debt with the IRS?

As a taxpayer who’s looking to dispute a charged-off debt, it’s rather important that you evaluate all possible options before taking any conclusive steps. Have a look at the steps discussed below and you should know how you can dispute a charged-off debt with the IRS.

  1. Write out a formal protest: The very first thing you should do is write out a formal protest and request a review with the IRS Appeals Office. If an issue arises, then the IRS is bound to issue a Notice of Proposed Adjustment (NOPA), Form 5701 which details the position of the IRS regarding particular financial matters. You might as well reply to this by citing tax laws and other substantial evidences to support your position.

  1. Review alternative dispute methods: You should also try and review alternative dispute methods that might be available. Generally there are 4 alternate dispute resolution tools available at the IRS Appeals Office – early referral to appeals, fast track settlement, post appeals mediation and delegation orders. You can request the tax office for early referral to the Appeals Office.

  1. Look for the best method: It’s always advisable that you peruse for the best method when it comes to your particular case of disputing charged-off accounts. Advisably since it’s a dispute, hence you might as well take the assistance of a tax professional. The ultimate option of course remains litigation in a tax court or federal district court.

Keep in mind the above instances and steps when looking to dispute your charged-off debts with the IRS for unless you’re sure about what you’re doing, things can get even messier ultimately. Take heed now and conclude things smoothly.

Tips to Settle Your Tax Debt on Your Own

Tips to Settle Your Tax Debt on Your Own

Want to settle your tax debt on your own? Here are few tips for you.

Wipe our Debt

Wipe our Debt (Photo credit: Images_of_Money)

Very first tip is to keep very clear communication; always keep IRS well informed about your current situation. Give them a clear picture of things that you have in hand. This could help them in getting things in place for you.

Next is, get a professional to hold the IRS, once that you have informed about your situation, you need to start collecting resources. There are legal ways to settle on your tax debt; however it is not easy to get the IRS to categorize you as uncollectable. This is reason why it’s essential that you give time in investing in an appropriate tax specialist, who will be able to file all the necessary forms. Probability of your success will improve greatly by hiring a specialist, so if you are thinking of pursuing this by yourself, it’s definitely not a good idea.  If you are wandering for where to find this specialist, here is tip number 3 for you.

Use the Internet to find a specialist for you, looking for a good tax professional who will help you settle your tax debt is easier if you search them online. Here you will have a bigger pool of experts to choose from, and the competition between them means you can save lot in the fee amount. Also the online tax professionals are cheaper than that of offline specialists. One more reason for not hiring offline specialists is the excessive fee amount that they charge; usually it is effort to cover up the high costs they incur in running their own businesses.