Tag Archives: Tax law

TurboTax Introduces TurboTax Deluxe

Intuit has played around a bit more with TurboTax 2014, and has done things such as making fonts and graphics bigger. The TurboTax support page has also been replaced, with what is known as the TurboTax AnswerXchange.

Users returning will find that their 2014 taxes are easier to do because the data that has moved over, and there is even a personal guide to the Affordable Care Act.

TurboTax 2014 Introduces TurboTax Deluxe

TurboTax Chat Community Overloaded On Tax Day (Photo credit: John Swords)

An Easy Walk-Through
The software searches through more than 350 deductions and credits, which can help you claim everything that is allowed according to the tax code set forth by the IRS.

TurboTax Deluxe, as well as its competitors take your information, which you provide, and then it does the required deductions. It also drops your answers into the correct fields on IRS schedules and forms. All of this goes on in the background, and all you need to do is click buttons in order to move forward and back.

Navigation That Is Top-Notch
The navigation is top-notch, and you will find that navigating TurboTax Deluxe is easy. Your federal review is divided up into three sections, with the first two being Wages & Income and Deductions and Credits. The third section is Other Tax Situations. You will find that navigating through each section is a breeze.

You will also be pleased to know that there are other ways that you can navigate the site. You will notice that four links opens when you click on the tools icon, which is located to the left side. You will be able to look for a topic in a list that is very lengthy, or you can arrange the list in alphabetical order. All you need to do is click on the topic of your choice. Once you have done this, you will be taken to that screen. Another thing you can do is create a flag for a specific page, and this will remind you that you need to go back to the page and fill some information in. The fourth link that is available for you to click on displays all of your fees.

TurboTax Deluxe allows you to move forward and backwards, which is something that H&R Block Deluxe does not allow you to do. Their software requires you to finish a screen before you can move on to the next screen. Once you think you have entered everything that you were required to enter, TurboTax, as well as its competitors, will review your return, and if there were any errors or omissions that you have made, then you will know about it, but they will be revealed one at a time. TurboTax Deluxe only shows you the relevant portion of an schedule or form, and then you will be provided with a field where you can input your answer.

What do you do when there is an invalid charged-off debt?

What do you do when there is an invalid charged-off debt?

It’s nothing new to hear or see a dispute between the tax payers and the IRS. Of course, there are quite a few reasons behind the disputes, but most commonly these disputes involve examination and/or collection issues and also the different interpretations of tax law. The IRS reporting a charged-off account on the credit report also proves to be a great hassle for more reasons than one. Now, if you happen to be one of those whose credit report shows charged-off tax accounts and that too having been reported by the IRS, then it’s definitely worth disputing. In fact, if you sit on it without taking heed, then this’ll definitely have a negative impact on your credit rating and that can be far worse than not having accrued debt, yet souring your credit.

What’s a charge-off debt actually?

Before you get into surmises about what exactly charged-off debt is all about, it’s important for you to understand the concept behind a charged-off debt in the first place. A charge-off debt actually happens to be that debt which has been determined uncollectible by the original creditor and that’s usually done after the debtor is seriously delinquent. Now, it’s only after 6 months that charge-offs are known to occur. Moreover, creditors still have the right to collect on the charge-offs because the debt still remains valid. Charge-offs are also known to appear on your credit report at least for 7 years since the debt appears.

Hence, it’s obvious that you’d like to validate your debts before coming to any conclusion about whether or not you should dispute the charge-offs. Debt validation is necessary like you do when going for the programs aimed to solve your financial problems. In this case too, debt validation programs serve the purpose of telling you for sure whether or not you can dispute the charged-off account with the IRS.

How’ll you dispute a charged-off debt with the IRS?

As a taxpayer who’s looking to dispute a charged-off debt, it’s rather important that you evaluate all possible options before taking any conclusive steps. Have a look at the steps discussed below and you should know how you can dispute a charged-off debt with the IRS.

  1. Write out a formal protest: The very first thing you should do is write out a formal protest and request a review with the IRS Appeals Office. If an issue arises, then the IRS is bound to issue a Notice of Proposed Adjustment (NOPA), Form 5701 which details the position of the IRS regarding particular financial matters. You might as well reply to this by citing tax laws and other substantial evidences to support your position.

  1. Review alternative dispute methods: You should also try and review alternative dispute methods that might be available. Generally there are 4 alternate dispute resolution tools available at the IRS Appeals Office – early referral to appeals, fast track settlement, post appeals mediation and delegation orders. You can request the tax office for early referral to the Appeals Office.

  1. Look for the best method: It’s always advisable that you peruse for the best method when it comes to your particular case of disputing charged-off accounts. Advisably since it’s a dispute, hence you might as well take the assistance of a tax professional. The ultimate option of course remains litigation in a tax court or federal district court.

Keep in mind the above instances and steps when looking to dispute your charged-off debts with the IRS for unless you’re sure about what you’re doing, things can get even messier ultimately. Take heed now and conclude things smoothly.

Tips to Settle Your Tax Debt on Your Own

Tips to Settle Your Tax Debt on Your Own

Want to settle your tax debt on your own? Here are few tips for you.

Wipe our Debt

Wipe our Debt (Photo credit: Images_of_Money)

Very first tip is to keep very clear communication; always keep IRS well informed about your current situation. Give them a clear picture of things that you have in hand. This could help them in getting things in place for you.

Next is, get a professional to hold the IRS, once that you have informed about your situation, you need to start collecting resources. There are legal ways to settle on your tax debt; however it is not easy to get the IRS to categorize you as uncollectable. This is reason why it’s essential that you give time in investing in an appropriate tax specialist, who will be able to file all the necessary forms. Probability of your success will improve greatly by hiring a specialist, so if you are thinking of pursuing this by yourself, it’s definitely not a good idea.  If you are wandering for where to find this specialist, here is tip number 3 for you.

Use the Internet to find a specialist for you, looking for a good tax professional who will help you settle your tax debt is easier if you search them online. Here you will have a bigger pool of experts to choose from, and the competition between them means you can save lot in the fee amount. Also the online tax professionals are cheaper than that of offline specialists. One more reason for not hiring offline specialists is the excessive fee amount that they charge; usually it is effort to cover up the high costs they incur in running their own businesses.