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TurboTax Deluxe

TurboTax Deluxe Buyers To Get Free Premier Upgrades

TurboTax, a popular tax filing software recently announced that it will offer users free upgrade to the premier version of the software on 7 February, 2015. The catch: only TurboTax Deluxe users will be able to avail it.

A spokeswoman for the company told the press that starting the coming Saturday, users will be able to click on a link in their TurboTax software to upgrade to the home or business version of the Premier version of TurboTax. The announcement has outraged devoted users of the desktop version of the TurboTax Deluxe because, for this season, the Premier version will effectively replace the older tax preparation software after the free upgrade.

TurboTax Deluxe
Photo by State Farm

Users who bought TurboTax Deluxe software this year were angered by the company’s decision to remove capital gain reporting capabilities from the new edition. Self-employed taxpayers, to whom this feature was indispensable, found themselves forced to spend 50% more than the TurboTax on buying the Premier version. TurboTax is an operation of Inuit, a company that specializes in making financial software solutions.

The Deluxe version’s hitherto loyal following protested on Amazon and tax software forums. Meanwhile, TurboTax’s H&R department tried to placate angered users with free updates for their copies of the software.

Inuit’s CEO, Brad Smith has apologized to buyers for not explicitly alerting them of the change beforehand.

The company began damage control by offering $25 refunds to all TurboTax Deluxe customers whose process of filing their 2014 Taxes was hampered by the changes in the Deluxe version of the software.
Next, the company offered free upgrades to the Premier version and has promised to restore the deducted capabilities to TurboTax Deluxe next year.

Buyers of TurboTax Deluxe receive their upgrades starting Saturday.

Intuit Apologizes To Upset Customers

Recent changes to the TurboTax Deluxe edition has caused the owners of the software, Intuit, to apologize to customers. Many customers had to spend more to upgrade to another version to get the features they needed, and they will receive a refund.

Sasan Goodarzi is general manager and acknowledges that the company has caused customers frustration and anger.

Many loyal TurboTax 2014 customers were outraged when they found out about the downsizing of the TurboTax deluxe edition. Customers – many of them loyal for years – had to spend between $30 and $40 to upgrade to other editions to get certain features. These included the forms used to report income from rental property, self employment and investments, Schedules C D E and F.

Intuit TurboTax Apologizes To Upset Customers
Photo by jurvetson

Anyone using TurboTax 2014 to file their return and who used the company’s software last year but had to spend money to upgrade this year will receive a $25 refund. Customers will need to give their social security number and must apply for the refund after they have filed their 2014 tax return.

The online version had already had the Schedules C D E and F removed, and Intuit explained in its apologetic email to customers that the changes were implemented to ensure a consistent customer experience across different platforms. Julie Miller is VP of communications at Intuit and she pointed out to NBC news that customers were not informed of this information in a timely or an effective way and definitely deserved an apology.