H and R Block Surveys Eliminating Tax Fraud Options

Americans might be willing to wait longer for their tax refunds (60% responded) and would like to see stronger requirements for tax preparers to help reduce tax fraud. H&R Block ran a survey of tax payers this year related to tax fraud and ways to reduce it. 70% of those responding to the survey wouldn’t mind answering additional questions on their returns if it would help out. Here’s what they found about Eliminating Tax Fraud.

H&R Block

Eliminating Tax Fraud - H&R Block Business Center
H&R Block Business Center (Photo credit: EVRT Studio)

An H&R Block executive explained that tax preparers do not have any requirements or licensing in 48 or the 50 states. He made comparisons to hair barbers who need to be licensed everywhere. But he doesn’t stand with the courts which decided against making tax professionals get training and pass tests before they could work in the field.

Those against preparer requirements of testing and training think the certification should be optional so that it benefits young tax preparers without placing a new burden on seasoned professionals that are already trusted in the community. The lawyers fighting the IRS in court also argued that certification would benefit the big players in the field that could absorb the costs while putting smaller operators out of business. Return to our site for additional information on Eliminating Tax Fraud.

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