Category Archives: TaxAct

TaxAct : Pros and Cons

TaxAct : Pros and Cons

TaxACT is now hitting the big time with the promise to file tax free for everyone. This online tax preparation service helps you prepare, print and eFile your federal return for free. You can file prior-year federal and state returns back to 2000 with the help of this service.

TaxACT Logo

TaxACT Logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

State returns are not expensive. For additional assistance including prior-year import ability or free phone support, you need to pay for your federal return. This tax preparation service has kept on its edge on the competition by making tax time less troublesome for all taxpayers.

TaxAct provides 3 editions-

  • A free federal edition
  • An Ultimate Bundle for $17.95
  • A Deluxe edition for $9.95

For the free and Deluxe versions, you have to pay an additional fee for state filing, whereas the Ultimate version includes one federal and one state filing. Further, you can avail CD and downloadable software editions that range from $12.95 – $21.95. With this option, you can prepare and print numerous federal returns. TaxACT also helps create an accurate return to the exact dollar amount without any difficulty.

TaxACT can help you through 35 life changes. You can avail TaxTutor Guidance that provides more than 2,500 tax tips. This definitely helps you find out all the deductions and credits that you can claim. The Ultimate and Deluxe versions come with a tool, which tracks charitable donations. Further, it features a tax glossary, which contains definitions for more than 300 tax terms. This helps ensure that you know line items properly.

TaxACT is easy to use even for a first-time filer. Various helpful hints are available. This tax preparation service offers a wide array of audit support, low priced state filing and free federal eFiling options.

However, telephone support is not free. You have to pay minor charges. Further, as compared to other top competitors, their online tax information is brief.

All in all, if you do not need extra assistance, you can go for TaxACT. With the help of their service, you can create accurate returns effortlessly.