Tag Archives: Finance

3 Reasons Why Doing Your Taxes Early Is Beneficial

There is one thing in life that almost everyone hates equally. You probably already guessed it as well since the answer is taxation. No one likes filing taxes but it is something that you must do as an entrepreneur. There are some simple ways to make filing your self-assessment forms a little bit easier and it is a good idea to take taxes seriously. For instance, here are the three reasons why doing your taxes early is really beneficial for you.

Doing Your Taxes Early

Doing Your Taxes Early

1. You Can Get Your Money Back Earlier

If you end up paying too much tax or you are entitled to refunds and filing your taxes earlier and on time can really help you get your money back earlier as well.

You can avoid the thousands of other people who file their taxes on the last day, or even late, and get rewarded with a nice payment much quicker.

There is also an additional incentive to pay your corporate tax earlier. In the UK the Government might in some instances pay you interest if you pay your taxes before they are actually due. Therefore it is a good idea to keep this option in mind.

2. You Know Exactly What You Owe

It is very beneficial to start thinking about your taxes early because it allows you time to see how much you need to pay. When you are calculating your taxes early you can adjust to the payment a lot better, even if you do end up paying the amount only on the final due date.

Knowing what you need to pay in advance is really important for controlling your money. It might even allow you some time to adjust to the amount you need to pay by spending or investing more money and thus lowering the amount you have to pay.

3. Deal With Problems Earlier

Naturally, you will also have much more time to deal with the problems earlier. Filing your taxes and self-assessment forms isn’t always all that straightforward and it is much better to have as much time to prepare for it as possible.

As well as starting your filing process as early as possible it is a good idea to get a helping hand from an accounting company. There is plenty of affordable accounting online available for freelancers and small businesses alike. Going through your taxes early with an accounting company can really help you make the most out of your finances.


All in all, there are much more things to gain from filing your taxes early. There are also plenty of financial management tools you should start using. These don’t just make filing for taxes easier but can help you keep in touch with your finances at all times. For example, check out these apps listed by the Telegraph.

Since you have more to gain than to lose from filing your taxes early it is good idea to get into the habit of doing it. You can really enjoy a much more stress-free life and boost your finances as well.

Bank of Canada flags debt concerns and dissuades consumers from taking on more debt


According to a recent study initiated by Sun Life, 65% of 1299 people surveyed in Canada, weren’t happy with the way they were handling their personal finances in the year 2012. Among them, 25% wished to do something about it and rest had adopted a strongly pessimistic approach towards their debts. With the gaining momentum of the firms that helped people negotiate their multiple liabilities and the prospects of gaining a fresh financial life through bankruptcy, the Canadians have become too lackadaisical about their soaring debt obligations. Ignoring such problems will gradually affect your mental and personal health and you might even lose your peace of mind. If you’re already scared by the shocking statistics on the soaring Canadian debt, you should read on the concerns of this article in order to know the ways in which you can tackle your debt load head on.


Sun Life Financial

Sun Life Financial (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Warnings from the Bank of Canada is finally being paid heed to

Yes, according to reports, Canadians are finally paying enough heed to the warnings issued by the Bank of Canada to lower their personal debt ceiling. The number of Canadians with monthly loan payments that were delinquent for 3 months dropped to 2%, a record low level in the last quarter of 2012. The median credit balance dropped by 3.47% compared to the same time during the last quarter. If you’re getting dunning notices from your creditors who are warning you about the rising credit card debt defaults, here are some steps that you can take.

  • Figure out the debt load and the net worth: The first thing that you need to figure out is how deep the debt hole is. You can create a monthly budget through which you can see where your money is going and what kind of adjustments you can make. See the amount that you’re presently paying on your debt and the payments with which you can get out of debt sooner.

  • Set a financial goal: Although it might be intimidating to figure out the total debt load, you should then set up a financial goal step by step. You can either set up the debt snowball or the debt avalanche method in order to tackle the amount with the high interest rate. Whichever method you choose, you can easily come up with a better repayment plan that can facilitate debt repayment.

  • Stop taking on more debt: The Canadians love the habit of taking on more and more debt when they’re already drowning in a sea of debt. If you don’t want to go through the hassles of bragging with the debt negotiation companies about settling their debt obligations. You should lock in your credit cards at home so that you can easily be able to use cash instead of credit when you’re out for shopping.

  • Negotiate with your creditors: You should negotiate with your creditors when you’re in doubt about getting out of debt through the DIY steps. The creditors often help you with the exact steps through which you can repay your debt obligations. They can even put you on a hardship plan through which you can repay without having to fall back on other debt obligations.

Therefore, keeping in mind the strength of Canada’s economy, you can easily be able to determine the amount of consumer spending that is required for business investment. Choose to take the above mentioned steps so that you can easily get back on the right financial track.

Tips to Settle Your Tax Debt on Your Own

Tips to Settle Your Tax Debt on Your Own

Want to settle your tax debt on your own? Here are few tips for you.

Wipe our Debt

Wipe our Debt (Photo credit: Images_of_Money)

Very first tip is to keep very clear communication; always keep IRS well informed about your current situation. Give them a clear picture of things that you have in hand. This could help them in getting things in place for you.

Next is, get a professional to hold the IRS, once that you have informed about your situation, you need to start collecting resources. There are legal ways to settle on your tax debt; however it is not easy to get the IRS to categorize you as uncollectable. This is reason why it’s essential that you give time in investing in an appropriate tax specialist, who will be able to file all the necessary forms. Probability of your success will improve greatly by hiring a specialist, so if you are thinking of pursuing this by yourself, it’s definitely not a good idea.  If you are wandering for where to find this specialist, here is tip number 3 for you.

Use the Internet to find a specialist for you, looking for a good tax professional who will help you settle your tax debt is easier if you search them online. Here you will have a bigger pool of experts to choose from, and the competition between them means you can save lot in the fee amount. Also the online tax professionals are cheaper than that of offline specialists. One more reason for not hiring offline specialists is the excessive fee amount that they charge; usually it is effort to cover up the high costs they incur in running their own businesses.